
If you are just joining us, you may want to start where it all began at " introduction" http://mysteryandmiracle.blogspot.com/2012_03_01_archive.html .

My pregnancy came as a surprise to us in march 2011. I was scared but grew to be excited and looking forward to meeting my little girl. We talked about all the things we would teach her and get her involved in. I dreamed of what she would look like and I looked forward to all the firsts and even the teenage years where I feared she would be too much like her dad and I. My dreams shattered when I was told they saw a shadow on her brain. Follow up tests, 3 hours away, gave us her diagnosis. What we were told, was beyond words. Beyond any emotion I ever felt before. Excitement turned into fear, worry, resentment, blame, anger, and devistation. I struggled with depression and had to push myself to try to be happy. Everything changed on Nov, 6 2011 when she was born. I heard her cry and held her. I knew she was perfect and everything was going to be fine. And I knew that I was going to designate my life to help find research and better understanding so no one ever has to go through what we did. I am now working with another mom who had been delt the same hand. She has put together a non profit organization for their diagnosis. Follow our journey, through my eyes and gain a better understanding of these diagnosis, prognosis, how a parent of special needs views the world around them, the struggles of day to day life, most of all, watch my baby girl grow up as she contunies to impress us all. We are so blessed to have this little miracle in our lives. But the future and what lies ahead, is still a mystery.
Feel Free to ask any questions or contact me directly. Email me at pandabear12178@gmail.com.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A look through our eyes

I more then often having my feeling bad days. Today was exceptionally great.
 I will be working with a non profit organization for Schizencephaly. I am so greatfull to be a part of it. Jesse and I had thought about doing the same, but I would rather work together with someone instead of bumping heads and possible conflict.
 Since receiving her diagnosis, I battled with myself of "why me." Why is it that I done all I could and something was still wrong. Why is it some people shouldn't even have kids, and have "typical" babies. Now I am starting to realize why she chose me. Its almost an insult to her to even think "why me". I couldn't ask for a more perfect baby. And I love her more then anything and wouldn't trade her for the world. I am still scared for her of course, but I will do anything for her she needs. I will take the time to care for her and work with her. I will fight to give the world a better understanding, doctors and society. Where as most parents wouldn't do this. Or the people I am referring to anyway.
 Being a parent of a special needs child completely changes you. Or at least it did for me. It makes you more patient and more defensive and intolerable at the same time. I have all the patience in the world for her, I have no tolerance for ignorant people. I will be the first to snap if someone is being ignorant to a special needs person, I correct people when they use the word "retarded" openly or think its funny to joke about " the short bus" or similar remarks. I will speak up if someone is complaining about their child being out of hand or they talk to much, ect. I just wish people could step back and see that there are families where our kids arnt able to do these things ( walk, talk, ect ) and be thankful for what they have. I will never take anything she does for granite. But I guess thats not an outlook you have unless you were in my shoes.
 A few things WE may see differently:
   There was a thread going around about how the cartoon Rugrats really happend. Heres a line;

 "he had a brain hemerage, which resulted in a deformation, as he grew up his damage only became more evident, by the time he was 9 in All Grown Up! He lived as an outcast, being ridiculed for his weirdness, and retardation, the immense guilt over this is what led to her drug use"

 One cause for my daughters diagnosis is a stroke, or brain hemerage. Schizencephaly is a brain malformation. Most will, have a form or retardation. And we are scared to death of our children being ridiculed. But thank you world for making a joke out of it.

Feeding tube diet appeals to brides-to-be | abc7.com

 Women who think its a good way to lose weight, sticking a feeding tube up there nose to lose weight. A large majority of those affected by Schiz needs g-tubes to survive. But thank you world for making it a new fashion statement and a lazy way to lose weight as we struggle to keep our kids healthy and keep food in their stomachs to survive.

I realize I wouldn't had giving this a second thought if it weren't for Ari, but maybe someone does need to step up and say how wrong it is and there are people being hurt by it.


  1. amazing work expressing your journey Amanda. I think it is great you have kept a journal of this so other moms can see how strong you are. <3 ya girl

  2. Thanks for writing this. Each story I read gives me greater understanding. By the way, your little girl is BEAUTIFUL,
