
If you are just joining us, you may want to start where it all began at " introduction" http://mysteryandmiracle.blogspot.com/2012_03_01_archive.html .

My pregnancy came as a surprise to us in march 2011. I was scared but grew to be excited and looking forward to meeting my little girl. We talked about all the things we would teach her and get her involved in. I dreamed of what she would look like and I looked forward to all the firsts and even the teenage years where I feared she would be too much like her dad and I. My dreams shattered when I was told they saw a shadow on her brain. Follow up tests, 3 hours away, gave us her diagnosis. What we were told, was beyond words. Beyond any emotion I ever felt before. Excitement turned into fear, worry, resentment, blame, anger, and devistation. I struggled with depression and had to push myself to try to be happy. Everything changed on Nov, 6 2011 when she was born. I heard her cry and held her. I knew she was perfect and everything was going to be fine. And I knew that I was going to designate my life to help find research and better understanding so no one ever has to go through what we did. I am now working with another mom who had been delt the same hand. She has put together a non profit organization for their diagnosis. Follow our journey, through my eyes and gain a better understanding of these diagnosis, prognosis, how a parent of special needs views the world around them, the struggles of day to day life, most of all, watch my baby girl grow up as she contunies to impress us all. We are so blessed to have this little miracle in our lives. But the future and what lies ahead, is still a mystery.
Feel Free to ask any questions or contact me directly. Email me at pandabear12178@gmail.com.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Still dealing

I decided not to get the hand splits for little miss. There concern was her keeping them fisted at night and having them stay that way. She doesnt do this however ( CHOP drives me insane ) when shes relaxed her hands are always open. Its A LOT better now through-out the day as well. She is grabing and playing with toys. Her right hand I have to help with a little more but I dont think its anything that requires a splint.
 On the note of "average" baby stuff, she has a new sitter which we love love love. So instead of trying to get her into she special needs daycare, I think Meg will be more then perfect unless she ever develops more complications she wouldnt be able to handle. Also, need to get on this sleep training thing and stick with it. Just kills me to hear her fuss or cry. But its killing Jess and I to be up late trying to rock her to sleep. I think it just disrupts her as well.
 I would love to be able to stay home with her. Ugh, just dont see it ever beeing possible.
We did get her into seeing PT and OT every other week. Other then that nothing crazy coming up for a while. This month has been quiet as far as doctor appointments go.
 Oh, I dont think I commented on the EEG, it is still clear of seizures :) Thats my biggest fear. I know I am going to just die to witness that. We are so blessed that she is doing so good.
 I had asked the neurologist about things taking a turn for the worse. He basically said its not a degenerative thing where she will get worse necassarily, but that she may not be able to learn to do things like talk, walk, ect. I know it will hurt the most if I never hear her call me "mom".  I am a part of a group of other Schiz moms and I dread asking if its a good sign shes doing so well , meaning do you think she will learn. I know no one has the answers to her future, and I guess I dont really want to know. Or I should say I dont want to hear, what I dont want to hear. So, for now just trying to enjoy every minute and keep faith in my heart that she will be just fine. This is the hardest thing for me from day to day. Not knowing if my baby will be okay. I know I been depressed. And I know I been moody, bitchy, snappy, ect. I know its taking a toll on Jesse and I. He puts up with me though and we push to work through it. I dont think anyone but a mother of this ( or mothers in general ) would fully understand what I am going through and how your heart is constantly hurting even though nothing is "wrong" at the moment.
 We are all going out to dinner for my grandfather birthday tonight. Will be a nice night "out". She does very well wherever we go. She is teething though which is making her exceptionaly fussy. God, they get big too fast. She will be 6 months in 2 short weeks.
                                                                  Little miss sitting up ready to eat

Ari and mommy

Baby girl out soaking up the sun

Daddy's Girl

Arianna in her Easter dress

Her new best friend Loki

1 comment:

  1. Read your whole Blog just now, i never realized how hard things must be for you. i didnt understand exactly what was going on with Ari untill i read this. I know i can't say anything to make it better but if u ever need to talk im here for you. I cant even imagine what your going through and im sorry if i ever complained about something that was going on in my life at a time when you were really hurting for you baby girl. Im hoping and praying that Ari will be just fine too...and i will always make sure Jax knows which lovely little Lady he is supposed to look out for as they grow up. She is beautiful and perfect and Jax and i love her <3
